Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 5:

Dear Davis,

I went in for my completion meeting with Marnie (yes Davis, she is as much fun as her name would suggest-- which is a lot). I know I really haven't talked about my trainer but she's super nice, love being around her. I think one of my favorite things about her is her voice.

Anyways, I have my keys. I'm missing one, but she's making a copy for me. Other than that, I have a master key to all of the kennels/condos in the Small Animal room. It's a big job... or rather a busy job. I have favorites (Candy- she's a rabbit). Binx, another rabbit was adopted the day before I came in. Binx was an owner surrender because the mom wouldn't let the kids keep it. I'm happy she's gone to a forever home. Lela has also been adopted (Basset Hound). I know I'm not in the dog section, but I do pass by their kennels so I get to know them.

I'm not used to Guinea Pigs or *shudder* Rats.

My goal is to hold Tommy (the Rat). I can handle everything but his tail... his tail seriously just freaks me out. Maybe next time...

Time In: 4:30pm  Time Out: 6:00pm

T-minus 3,487.5 hours til Davis.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day: Unknown

Dear Davis,

I completed orientation with the 'Sacramento Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals'. I was able to tour the facility a bit as well. What an eye opener. It's so much more different than the Animal Samaritans Shelter.

First: It's a lot bigger.
Second: It's definitely not "home-y"

It's a large scale operation. On a positive note, all the dogs have air conditioning (at the Animal Samaritans Shelter the dogs that were outside had a misting system and were only brought in when they deemed it to hot to keep them outside.

There's a lot more different types. Big dogs, Bunnies, Guinea Pigs, and Rats. I asked to begin small animal socialization training (for bunnies, guinea pigs, and rats). Another difference is that they have an outside area for the cats that is completely screened in. They will also not ask me to disinfect or clean kennels out (I have mixed feelings... the dish washing tub and I got along ok).

I didn't count my two hours of orientation towards you. I hope you appreciate that.

Time in: N/A Time out: N/A

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day: Unknown

Dear Davis,

It's been a very, very long time. And it's been nearly a year since I wrote to you, but less than that since I was thinking about the goals I have set myself. I think I understand now what people mean by not letting "life get in the way". I promise I went and volunteered at the shelter a few times before I got married. Marbles had passed away, an older lady and her husband adopted two polydactyl kittens. It was a litter of 4 or 5 the detail escapes me now. I saw Leslie#1 and Leslie #2 before I left. I woke up at 4:30 one morning to be at the shelter by 5am to send a dog to a rescue. I didn't say good-bye I'm not very good at it.

I will allow myself a moment to grieve. I do it quietly because I don't think I'm supposed to. I see how people treat animals and the abuse and abandonment and it makes me angry. Not at the world, just at people. People who hurt things just for their own pleasure.

I guess what I mean to say is I'm jealous. My cat died... or was killed I suppose though I can only talk about it if I say he died. He died or rather my dad and my brother, who scoured neighborhoods looking for him, found him. Tuesday night. I had to give a midterm speech on Wednesday morning. I was a mess. I didn't make it through our presentation. There was a service dog named "Lady" breed: pit bull. The type of breed that killed Tux. The person who knew her dog had killed my cat left him there... she didn't even bother to move him. Left him where he lay. My dad said it was 'clean'... his neck was broken. Everytime I saw the dog, heard its collar ring in class I thought of that until I couldn't take it and I left. Walked out. I stayed long enough to go to Math-- midterm-- I wrote "Sorry" on it and walked out. My professor followed and when he did I broke down and cried. I explained and I left. I went home and cried. I cried for the cat that came everytime, everytime I called his name. The cat who sat on my car roof when I drove in from a late class. The cat who hogged the foot of the bed. The cat who came home every night to sleep. The cat who... I still miss.

Thursday: We took him to be cremated. My dad made me let him pay because he said it was the last thing he could do for him.

I never went back to school Davis. I don't think that makes me a quitter. I think it makes me human. I picked up the remains on Saturday morning... the Saturday I got married. Justin went with me, I didn't cry but I had a lump in my throat so big it hurt, kind of like I have now.

I guess I just wanted to say that I made a big step and called the Sacramento Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals... I have orientation on June 2nd.

Time in: N/A Time out: N/A

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 4:

Saturday June 18, 2011

Dear Davis:

I was so exauhsted this morning, I went in rather late.

On the brightside: I had time to have a poptart for breakfast.

Marbles is still at the clinic, it's the first thing I did, was look for him. Oreo (this black little puppy mix that has rather long hair that NEVER pops up when I sweep the room, but shows up in heaps when I mop it, was adopted today. I feel bad for the other two puppies who've lost their playmate, but happy because this makes room for another dog to be given a second chance. I met a new staff member, her name is Verona, and she's very, very entertaining. Leslie, the staff member I usually follow has been out because she cut the tip of her finger with the gardening shears (ouch!). Which I guess in a way its good, because it's made me break out of my mold of really following orders from just one person. There's another staff member that has been telling me what to do since yesterday, I like her too, she's nice.

I cleaned out the two dog rooms, the psycho kittens kennel (seriously, it destroys it's kennel within seconds of entering it in pristine condition, all for the sake of its tail which it chases endlessly and with lots of energy-- to be honest, I think it's having an identity crisis and curses the day it was born a cat). As much as I love that orange tabby, it is absolutely shredding my pants! He also scratched my phone... Oh, there's this black cat that keeps tapping me with her nails when I stop petting her... I feel like we're not training these animals, they're training us.

I'm absolutely exaughsted when I get home, but honestly, I can't wait until I go tomorrow. Partly to see if Marbles finally comes back, and the other part is because as much work as I have to put in, only to repeat it the following day, I'm definitely learning every cats personality. And honestly, I don't care that gunk is coming out of my nose even 30 minutes after I've left; however, I smell funny when I go to work, I smell like kennels, and my pets are jealous and require extra attention, I go through sniffing rituals now... Once by the animals at the shelter, and again when I get home from work.

I'm tuckered out. I understand there's a 'rewardy' feeling I should be feeling... but the only thing I'm feeling is exaughsted.

Time in 9am Time Out 10:30am.

T-minus 3,489 hours til Davis.

Day 3:

Friday June 17 2011,

Dear Davis,

I skipped volunteering Tuesday and Thursday in order to catch up with my math homework, I am shamed. As *not* much fun as picking up Dog defecation is, I missed it. I guess, even with the amount of work it is, I feel like I'm doing something (I still moan and groan getting out of bed, but you can't blame me, it's a twenty minute drive on a good morning with no traffic).

Anyways, I was caught blissfully unawares by a phone call from the volunteer coordinator on Thursday who needed help stat. Since you're not aware let me explain to you what my work scheduele on the weekend looks like: Friday/Saturday 11:15pm-5:15pm. And Sunday 9am-1pm. Such a trooper (and really trying to get this ridiculous amount of hours done, I volunteered to come in around 8am until 10:30am- pun intended so don't pardon it).

True to my word, I went in early in the morning and settled down to the long task of moving kittens from the kennels into holding kennels, cleaning it out, replacing litter boxes, water, food, towells and toys (some kittens endear themselves by burying their toys in their litter boxes and/or water bowls). Their are about 6 or 7 kitten kennels. And then the dog rooms of which their are three. That means removing urinated on papers, defecation, inspecting blankets for filth, as well as toys, bleaching it all down (which I do to the kitten kennels just so you know) putting paper down, putting the puppies back to watch them ruin all of my good work in 5.2 seconds flat. and then look at my with little eyes trying to say "see! come play, its fun!"

After all that fun time, I proceeded to move adult/teen cats back into the adult cat room, because they finished painting it and re-doing the floors. I wrestled with some cats, I was knicked once because another volunteer decided to take a dog through the hallway in the middle of all the chaos. It did not bode well for me, but it was just a little knick on my finger it could have been worse.

After that, I went to check in on Marbles and see if he was progressing. Sadly, Marbles has been moved to the clinic because he is not doing well. I'm sad about him, because I really liked him.

Oh-- the emergency that brought me in to work was a bunch of animals recieved from county. Two cockerspaniels that are going to rescue groups (non-adoptable, they're like going to a retirement home, so I'm happy). And 5 other puppies that I have yet to see (or clean up after thankfully!).

Time in: 8am Time Out: 10:30.

T-minus 3,490.5 hours til Davis.

Day 2:

Thursday June 9, 2011.

Dear Davis,

I'm not as emotionally attached as I was afraid I'd be. Does that make me cruel and heartless? My encounters with the feral cats go as follow:
Me: "Here Kitty Kitty Kittay..."
Cat: *Rather Loud and Cruel Sounding hiss/screech*

Yeah... It's fine. Today I Shadowed and learned how *not* to clean a kennel full of kittens and how *not* to clean a "dog room". I, sadly, did not wash any dishes. I spent my time learning feeding routines, my way around the shelter, and trying not to get in the way of two very busy men who are remodeling the shelter.

I also discovered the "pest" that I was warned about: its a stomach bug that is running rampant with the kittens.

I was instructed to 'love' three kittens in quarantine: Fraidy, Opi, and Marbles. Marbles became the object of my affection. As sick as he was he also was fearless and spent most of his "cuddle" time eating my hair and purring in my ear. There was also a stray with two kittens in quarantine, I feel... sad for her. People who come to the shelter generally adopt siblings, but leave the mother behind.

*That I know because whilst on my way to help "socialize" the teen/adult cats (who are seperated because teen cats annoy the older cats) a couple came in and adopted Marbles' siblings (2) but he was left behind because he's sick.

"Socializing" the teen cats involve time spent sprawled on the floor while this percocious little orange tabby comes and pokes at me and tries to eat my shoelaces, AND using me as a jungle gym. They come and go as they please but mostly spend time in their trees-- its true. Some cats are tree dwellers and others are bush dwellers and some... some just like to climb screen doors, plot their escape, and day dream of their revenge.

Time in: 8:13 (to make up my rounding error previous) Time Out: 11:30.

T-minus: 3,493 hours til Davis

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dear Davis...

First, I'm not very good at this and this will serve a dual purpose:
A- expressing my experiences
B- keeping track of my hours prior to my application submission

I learned that I should keep a GPA minimum of 3.5 to be considered for your program (95-100% of applicants do) and that 95-100% of accepted applicants have a minimum of 3,000-3,500 hours of volunteer experience. I want this enough that my minimum will be 3,500 hours logged. I've done the math on it and it came out to 9.5 hours everyday for a year... so I'm guessing your applicants began their volunteer work early on, huh? Well... I'm a late bloomer so I'm starting out today and hopefully, once I finish my BA in something very difficult to pronounce and official sounding, I'll be submitting my application with all hours accounted for, and waiting anxiously to hear back from you; however, until then this is what I have as documented proof (online I suppose) on my newest endeavor.

Day 1:
I arrived at the shelter expecting to do landscaping, but when I checked in the front they steered me towards a rather large stainless steel washbin with only one window. I kid you not when I say the food/water bowls were piled high as well as kitty litter pans-- yes, they believe in disinfecting the litter pans not just switching out litter. I was informed there was a "pest in their midst" and that luckily was not directed at me. I decided against wearing gloves (at this point I was only expecting to wash the food dishes) and washed food bowls for an hour and about 20 minutes. I repeatedly got cat chow on my Super Mario Bro's T-shirt, which to be honest, the first time I was like "Oh NO!" and then after the sixtieth time I was like "Huh... leftovers for Princess" After I spread them out to drip-dry, I was kindly directed to wash the litter pans which took me approx. 40 minutes (and I'll let you know later if my shirt is bleached-- I wouldn't be surprised). My hands were pruny and old-lady looking by the time I was done (I swear I thought I saw a few age spots). I spent an hour hopping from room-to-room "cuddling" and "socializing" animals including the Feral Cats who are permanent residents. Oh, I forgot to tell you that within the first ten minutes of my washing dishes the biggest, fattest cat I've ever seen in my life came over to "supervise" and I swear he offered to lick the plates-- later I learned his name was 'Dash' and he along with the feral cats are permanent residents of this no-kill shelter (I guess I also forgot to mention I'm volunteering for the Animal Samaritans). I digress, the feral cats are my goal to socialize. They are not a very happy bunch and are generally disregarded by most infavor of the kittens. Personally, I'm not judgemental, hey, Ive touched their litter pans with my barehands and scrubbed them, and I sat on the floor with some puppies that left "gifts" everywhere. And a note on said puppies: they bite hair AND tug. Apparently, they especially like my hair. I walked a dog named 'Pepsi' on my last hour. Poor Pepsi gets so excited she or he gets a backward cough. We went down Ramon all the way to Monterrey before he/she quit and I had to give her a lift 2/3 of the way back to the shelter. Anyways I signed out at 12:17 after signing in at 8:30 but really I was there earlier so I'm going to count today as 4 hours ok? Oh, I'll try uploading pictures of the three puppies later, no guarantees. Maybe a picture with each posting? We'll see... or you'll see, whomever you are.

T-minus 3,496 hours til Davis.