Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 2:

Thursday June 9, 2011.

Dear Davis,

I'm not as emotionally attached as I was afraid I'd be. Does that make me cruel and heartless? My encounters with the feral cats go as follow:
Me: "Here Kitty Kitty Kittay..."
Cat: *Rather Loud and Cruel Sounding hiss/screech*

Yeah... It's fine. Today I Shadowed and learned how *not* to clean a kennel full of kittens and how *not* to clean a "dog room". I, sadly, did not wash any dishes. I spent my time learning feeding routines, my way around the shelter, and trying not to get in the way of two very busy men who are remodeling the shelter.

I also discovered the "pest" that I was warned about: its a stomach bug that is running rampant with the kittens.

I was instructed to 'love' three kittens in quarantine: Fraidy, Opi, and Marbles. Marbles became the object of my affection. As sick as he was he also was fearless and spent most of his "cuddle" time eating my hair and purring in my ear. There was also a stray with two kittens in quarantine, I feel... sad for her. People who come to the shelter generally adopt siblings, but leave the mother behind.

*That I know because whilst on my way to help "socialize" the teen/adult cats (who are seperated because teen cats annoy the older cats) a couple came in and adopted Marbles' siblings (2) but he was left behind because he's sick.

"Socializing" the teen cats involve time spent sprawled on the floor while this percocious little orange tabby comes and pokes at me and tries to eat my shoelaces, AND using me as a jungle gym. They come and go as they please but mostly spend time in their trees-- its true. Some cats are tree dwellers and others are bush dwellers and some... some just like to climb screen doors, plot their escape, and day dream of their revenge.

Time in: 8:13 (to make up my rounding error previous) Time Out: 11:30.

T-minus: 3,493 hours til Davis

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