Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 4:

Saturday June 18, 2011

Dear Davis:

I was so exauhsted this morning, I went in rather late.

On the brightside: I had time to have a poptart for breakfast.

Marbles is still at the clinic, it's the first thing I did, was look for him. Oreo (this black little puppy mix that has rather long hair that NEVER pops up when I sweep the room, but shows up in heaps when I mop it, was adopted today. I feel bad for the other two puppies who've lost their playmate, but happy because this makes room for another dog to be given a second chance. I met a new staff member, her name is Verona, and she's very, very entertaining. Leslie, the staff member I usually follow has been out because she cut the tip of her finger with the gardening shears (ouch!). Which I guess in a way its good, because it's made me break out of my mold of really following orders from just one person. There's another staff member that has been telling me what to do since yesterday, I like her too, she's nice.

I cleaned out the two dog rooms, the psycho kittens kennel (seriously, it destroys it's kennel within seconds of entering it in pristine condition, all for the sake of its tail which it chases endlessly and with lots of energy-- to be honest, I think it's having an identity crisis and curses the day it was born a cat). As much as I love that orange tabby, it is absolutely shredding my pants! He also scratched my phone... Oh, there's this black cat that keeps tapping me with her nails when I stop petting her... I feel like we're not training these animals, they're training us.

I'm absolutely exaughsted when I get home, but honestly, I can't wait until I go tomorrow. Partly to see if Marbles finally comes back, and the other part is because as much work as I have to put in, only to repeat it the following day, I'm definitely learning every cats personality. And honestly, I don't care that gunk is coming out of my nose even 30 minutes after I've left; however, I smell funny when I go to work, I smell like kennels, and my pets are jealous and require extra attention, I go through sniffing rituals now... Once by the animals at the shelter, and again when I get home from work.

I'm tuckered out. I understand there's a 'rewardy' feeling I should be feeling... but the only thing I'm feeling is exaughsted.

Time in 9am Time Out 10:30am.

T-minus 3,489 hours til Davis.

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