Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dear Davis...

First, I'm not very good at this and this will serve a dual purpose:
A- expressing my experiences
B- keeping track of my hours prior to my application submission

I learned that I should keep a GPA minimum of 3.5 to be considered for your program (95-100% of applicants do) and that 95-100% of accepted applicants have a minimum of 3,000-3,500 hours of volunteer experience. I want this enough that my minimum will be 3,500 hours logged. I've done the math on it and it came out to 9.5 hours everyday for a year... so I'm guessing your applicants began their volunteer work early on, huh? Well... I'm a late bloomer so I'm starting out today and hopefully, once I finish my BA in something very difficult to pronounce and official sounding, I'll be submitting my application with all hours accounted for, and waiting anxiously to hear back from you; however, until then this is what I have as documented proof (online I suppose) on my newest endeavor.

Day 1:
I arrived at the shelter expecting to do landscaping, but when I checked in the front they steered me towards a rather large stainless steel washbin with only one window. I kid you not when I say the food/water bowls were piled high as well as kitty litter pans-- yes, they believe in disinfecting the litter pans not just switching out litter. I was informed there was a "pest in their midst" and that luckily was not directed at me. I decided against wearing gloves (at this point I was only expecting to wash the food dishes) and washed food bowls for an hour and about 20 minutes. I repeatedly got cat chow on my Super Mario Bro's T-shirt, which to be honest, the first time I was like "Oh NO!" and then after the sixtieth time I was like "Huh... leftovers for Princess" After I spread them out to drip-dry, I was kindly directed to wash the litter pans which took me approx. 40 minutes (and I'll let you know later if my shirt is bleached-- I wouldn't be surprised). My hands were pruny and old-lady looking by the time I was done (I swear I thought I saw a few age spots). I spent an hour hopping from room-to-room "cuddling" and "socializing" animals including the Feral Cats who are permanent residents. Oh, I forgot to tell you that within the first ten minutes of my washing dishes the biggest, fattest cat I've ever seen in my life came over to "supervise" and I swear he offered to lick the plates-- later I learned his name was 'Dash' and he along with the feral cats are permanent residents of this no-kill shelter (I guess I also forgot to mention I'm volunteering for the Animal Samaritans). I digress, the feral cats are my goal to socialize. They are not a very happy bunch and are generally disregarded by most infavor of the kittens. Personally, I'm not judgemental, hey, Ive touched their litter pans with my barehands and scrubbed them, and I sat on the floor with some puppies that left "gifts" everywhere. And a note on said puppies: they bite hair AND tug. Apparently, they especially like my hair. I walked a dog named 'Pepsi' on my last hour. Poor Pepsi gets so excited she or he gets a backward cough. We went down Ramon all the way to Monterrey before he/she quit and I had to give her a lift 2/3 of the way back to the shelter. Anyways I signed out at 12:17 after signing in at 8:30 but really I was there earlier so I'm going to count today as 4 hours ok? Oh, I'll try uploading pictures of the three puppies later, no guarantees. Maybe a picture with each posting? We'll see... or you'll see, whomever you are.

T-minus 3,496 hours til Davis.

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